Real Stories Voiced
Client: EFCNI
Around 90% of children will contract RSV before the age of two, but currently there is no broadly available protection.
While RSV typically causes mild, cold-like symptoms, the resulting illness can, in some cases, be much more serious.
The EFCNI, supported by Sanofi, worked with BCW to create a series of films to drive parental awareness of the signs, symptoms and risks of RSV. Shot with four families in four countries, the films show the potentially serious and unpredictable impact of the virus. Each parent had their own unique experience with RSV. They speak openly about their uncertainty at diagnosis and their fears when their child was admitted to hospital. They report on the unpredictable nature of the disease, the impact on the rest of the family and development of their recovered children. They convey an honest picture of RSV and encourage others to listen to their gut, to act, get educated and raise awareness about RSV. What they have in common is the desire for education and a future where infants can be protected from RSV. “It was great to work with the BCW team to create these important awareness videos. They understood how to bring out the real emotion and the true human impact of RSV through the families' own voices and did a brilliant job of making the families feel at ease and willing to share openly. The final films are very moving and have been an essential part of our awareness raising efforts throughout RSV season.” Silke Mader, Chairwoman, EFCNI https://www.efcni.org/activities/campaigns/are-you-rsv-aware/